Italy issues label warnings and eliminates health claims on turmeric supplements

August 3, 2022

Amendment to the Ministerial Decree of 10 August 2018  introduces the following additional warning for the labeling of supplements containing ingredients derived from Curcuma longa and spp:

" In case of alterations in liver function, biliary or gallstones, the use of the product is not recommended. Do not use during pregnancy and lactation. Do not use for prolonged periods without consulting your doctor. If you are taking any medications, you should seek the advice of your doctor. " Furthermore, the decree eliminates the physiological effects such as joint function, digestive function from the ministerial guidelines previously for Curcuma longa and spp.

Food business operators are required to comply with the label of food supplements containing extracts and preparations of Curcuma longa and spp no later than 31 December 2022.

Some stakeholders have raised concerns that this could lead to restriction of turmeric food supplements in EU but experts feel that many countries have already regulated turmeric in some way. The risk may arise due to new formulations of curcumin with enhanced bioavailability

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