East African Standards Committee published a draft for natural vanilla extract

March 3, 2023

The requirements, sampling, and testing procedures for natural vanilla extract products made from the pods of the vanilla orchid species V. planifolia, V. tahitensis, and V. pompona are outlined in this proposed draft East African Standard. ||

General requirements Natural coffee extract includes the characteristic aroma, flavour and colour; and not be mixed with any synthetic flavour material. Physicochemical requirements for natural vanilla extract includes alcohol % (v/v), specific gravity and Vanillin content. ||

Specifications for hygienic condition and microbiological limits for total viable count, Yeast and moulds, Salmonella spp and E. Coli are given. ||
Information on contaminants, pesticide residues, heavy metals as well as packaging requirements, Labelling and Sampling Representative samples are described in this article. ||
Public review comments are open until 02-May-2023.

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