FDA concludes that the existing regulatory frameworks for foods and supplements are not appropriate for cannabidiol

January 26, 2023

FDA has concluded that the existing regulatory frameworks for foods and supplements are not appropriate for cannabidiol and a new regulatory pathway is needed for CBD to manage the risks.|The consumption of CBD raises various safety issues (like liver damage, interactions with certain medications and a possible harm to the male reproductive system), especially with long-term use.|CBD also poses risks to animals, and people could be unknowingly exposed to CBD through meat, milk and eggs from animals fed CBD.|Consumers would benefit from a new regulatory framework that would provide protection and oversight to manage and minimize risks associated with CBD products.|Some risk management tools could include: clear labels, prevention of contaminants, CBD content limits, and measures, such as minimum purchase age to reduce the risk of consumption by children. In addition, a new pathway could provide access and oversight for certain CBD-containing products for animals.

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