EFSA’s Scientific Colloquium 27 “Cell culture-derived foods and food ingredients

December 24, 2022

Recent developments in areas like tissue engineering, cell culture, and synthetic biology have opened the door for novel technological methods and agri-food industry goods. Among these, food components manufactured through precise fermentation and cell culture-derived foods of animal or plant origin stand out. These items must get pre-market authorization under the EU system's several sectorial regulatory frameworks that incorporate the scientific advise of EFSA, such as the novel food and food additives laws. Therefore, it is crucial that EFSA's risk assessment techniques and subject-matter knowledge stay current with these technological advancements. The  objectives of the Colloquium are: 1) Identify areas of the agri-food system that are pertinent to foods and food products obtained from cell culture. 2) Examine the most recent developments in pertinent concepts, technologies, and derived goods. 3) Talk about new methodological and safety developments and how they affect EFSA's risk assessment strategies.

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